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Yitzhar Hoffman z”l

Yitzhar had a unique vision. The idea was to start an attack unit of elite reserve fighters with very special capabilities, with a level of competence you don’t usually get in the army. The innovation: the unit would be composed entirely with reserve soldiers. Yitzhar made his dream come true, and established this unit, and was the head commander. On the morning of the massacre, the unit was called to Be’eri. Yitzhar was fighting and eliminating terrorists while also rescuing families. Immediately after the massacre, Yitzhar went to Gaza to fight. During the battle, he was wounded in his leg, but continued to fight and continued giving instructions while he was injured. Thanks to him, three soldiers’ bodies were prevented from abduction. After a week’s stay in the hospital, he insisted on returning to fight. This was also the case when he was wounded again, for the second and third time. But then a sniper took his life while Yitzhar was fighting in Gaza.

Credit: Family